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Cosmic Publishing Introduction to Egging from scratch

Cosmic Publishing Introduction to Egging from scratch

Cosmic Publishing Introduction to Egging from scratch
  • Cosmic Publishing Introduction to Egging from scratch

Brand Cosmic
Product Name Cosmic Publishing Introduction to Egging from scratch
Control Number 9784774792385
Suggested Retail Price ¥1,400
BACKLASH Price ¥1,523
Reward points 30P

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Cosmic Publishing
Introduction to Egging from scratch

Egging comes in two seasons, spring and fall. .
The target is mainly bigfin reef squid.
In spring, we aim for large parent squid that are about to spawn.
And in the fall, you can catch a few lively baby squid born in the summer.
Both have their own goals and are very strategic.
In this magazine, we will thoroughly explain how to aim and how to select tools for the spring and autumn seasons.
If you read this book, you will definitely be able to master the egging technique for targeting bigfin reef squid throughout the year!