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Cosmic Publishing All about mountain stream fishing vol.4

Cosmic Publishing All about mountain stream fishing vol.4

Cosmic Publishing All about mountain stream fishing vol.4
  • Cosmic Publishing All about mountain stream fishing vol.4

Brand Cosmic
Product Name Cosmic Publishing All about mountain stream fishing vol.4
Control Number 9784774740768
Suggested Retail Price ¥1,600
BACKLASH Price ¥1,741
Reward points 34P

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Cosmic Publishing
All about mountain stream fishing vol.4  

Attractive mountain streams across the country In the Kurobe River in Toyama Prefecture, two major fishing trips, the headwaters and the main stream, were posted. Also introduced are the Tone River main stream in Gunma Prefecture, the Ojika River tributary in Tochigi Prefecture, the Fuefuki River tributary in Yamanashi Prefecture, the Tenryu River and Kiso River tributaries in Nagano Prefecture, and the Hakone Hayakawa River in Kanagawa Prefecture.
In the latter half of the special feature on headwaters, two headwaters belonging to the Tenryu River system and the Setsuke River in Nishitanzawa are introduced.
This is a must-read book for mountain stream anglers who can't wait for the ban to be lifted.