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Owner 36305 6 tough astringent smelt foxes

Owner 36305 6 tough astringent smelt foxes

Owner 36305 6 tough astringent smelt foxes

Owner 36305 6 tough astringent smelt foxes

Owner 36305 6 tough astringent smelt foxes
  • Owner 36305 6 tough astringent smelt foxes

  • Owner 36305 6 tough astringent smelt foxes

  • Owner 36305 6 tough astringent smelt foxes

Color .
Size 0.5
Product Name Owner 36305 6 tough astringent smelt foxes
Control Number 4953873309946
Suggested Retail Price ¥420
BACKLASH Price ¥320
Reward points 6P

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36305 6 tough astringent smelt foxes
Product number: 36305 (W-6305)
■Form : Device
■Number of numbers: 0.5, 1, 1.5
■Number of Harris numbers: 0.2
■Number of stem threads: 0.3
Total length: 80cm
■Hooks used : Tough Reluctant Smelt Fox
Reluctant Smelt has evolved further with "TAFF WIRE" and "Clear Magic Fluorine"!!
Tough wire that maintains sharpness and clear magic that enhances penetrating power and utilizes hook color. Fluorine
[Effect that makes a difference in reluctance to eat]
① TAFF WIRE material is also used for small burrs. The extreme sharpness of the tip lasts.
② Clear magic fluorine that further increases penetration power and takes advantage of the effects of brown burrs and gold burrs
③ Soft nylon Harris is used for branch burrs. Produces a slow and fluffy invitation. Excellent biting due to the synergistic effect with the lightweight small burr.