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Owner 36284 Twin support boat flounder

Owner 36284 Twin support boat flounder

Owner 36284 Twin support boat flounder

Owner 36284 Twin support boat flounder

Owner 36284 Twin support boat flounder
  • Owner 36284 Twin support boat flounder

  • Owner 36284 Twin support boat flounder

  • Owner 36284 Twin support boat flounder

Color .
Size 12-5
Product Name Owner 36284 Twin support boat flounder
Control Number 4953873309090
Suggested Retail Price ¥460
BACKLASH Price ¥350
Reward points 7P

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36284 Twin support boat flounder
■Product number: 36284 (H-6284)
■Form: Work in progress
The burden of live bait is drastically reduced! A mobile flounder device equipped with twin support hooks that can be determined instantly!
Basic specifications that can be used in any sea area!
[Parent Bali]
With Isani specifications, you can rest assured even when unexpectedly large or green objects arise!
Since it is a mobile type, it can be adjusted to the size of live bait on the spot. Once the position is determined, it can be fixed firmly, so you can hook it firmly!
[Grandson Bali]
Twin support hook
Securely fixed with two small burrs for live bait! The tip is a first-out type, so you can just stab it in. Double your bite chances without weakening the sardine bait etc. in a short time!