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Owner Cultiva 72840 P-40 Ayu lure snap for twitching

Owner Cultiva 72840 P-40 Ayu lure snap for twitching

Owner Cultiva 72840 P-40 Ayu lure snap for twitching

Owner Cultiva 72840 P-40 Ayu lure snap for twitching
  • Owner Cultiva 72840 P-40 Ayu lure snap for twitching

  • Owner Cultiva 72840 P-40 Ayu lure snap for twitching

Color .
Size #00
Product Name Owner Cultiva 72840 P-40 Ayu lure snap for twitching
Control Number 4953873280061
Suggested Retail Price ¥420
BACKLASH Price ¥320
Reward points 6P

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Owner Cultiva
72840 P-40 Ayu lure snap for twitching
■Product number: 72840 (72840)
■Form: Accessory
■Number: #00, #0
Snap perfect for sweetfish lures