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Owner Cultiva 72836 P-36 Oval split ring

Owner Cultiva 72836 P-36 Oval split ring

Owner Cultiva 72836 P-36 Oval split ring

Owner Cultiva 72836 P-36 Oval split ring

Owner Cultiva 72836 P-36 Oval split ring
  • Owner Cultiva 72836 P-36 Oval split ring

  • Owner Cultiva 72836 P-36 Oval split ring

  • Owner Cultiva 72836 P-36 Oval split ring

Color .
Size 1
Product Name Owner Cultiva 72836 P-36 Oval split ring
Control Number 4953873277962
Suggested Retail Price ¥250
BACKLASH Price ¥190
Reward points 3P

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Owner Cultiva
72836 P-36 Oval split ring
■Product number: 72836 (72836)
■Form : Small accessories
Oval shape that creates natural lure action
●The oval shape makes it easy to determine the position of the knot and lure, making the lure swim stably.
●By providing the ring joint on the side, it prevents the line from digging in and the knot coming off.
●Recommended when using stop & go action (top water or jerk bait).