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Owner Panic Fish Collecting Mirror

Owner Panic Fish Collecting Mirror

Owner Panic Fish Collecting Mirror

Owner Panic Fish Collecting Mirror
  • Owner Panic Fish Collecting Mirror

  • Owner Panic Fish Collecting Mirror

Product Name Owner Panic Fish Collecting Mirror
Control Number 4953873103605
Suggested Retail Price ¥350
BACKLASH Price ¥263
Reward points 5P

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Panic fish collecting mirror
◆Product number: 81024
◆Size: 35mm
★Glitter Stimulates fish
・Light is reflected by the front hologram and rear mirror・Flashing effect
・Wave motion caused by rotation stimulates the lateral line of fish・Predation switch ON
Comes with a double snap swivel that can be worn in various places be done.
Both gimmicks and lures. Various ways to use depending on the idea.