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Yanami Shoten Ayu Capture

Yanami Shoten Ayu Capture

Yanami Shoten Ayu Capture

Yanami Shoten Ayu Capture

Yanami Shoten Ayu Capture
  • Yanami Shoten Ayu Capture

  • Yanami Shoten Ayu Capture

  • Yanami Shoten Ayu Capture

Brand 山波商店
Product Name Yanami Shoten Ayu Capture
Control Number 4945826381154
BACKLASH Price ¥2,500
Reward points 50P

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Yanami Shoten
Ayu Capture 

◆Size: Scale/~33cm W390xH165xD55mm
★ I want to take my time to look at beautiful fish.I want to take photos and videos to record them.
Although the fishing methods may vary, such as lure fishing, bait fishing, and fly fishing, there are many people who enjoy mountain stream fishing.
You must have this desire.
However, if you take too long, you will end up damaging the fish. I want to return to health as best I can.
It is true that I hope so. This capture allows you to do both.
The soft PVC body means you don't have to worry about it breaking if you hit it, and it can be folded up to make it thinner and easier to carry.
You can also watch it with your favorite tackle. Even underwater photography is fine.
I want you to enjoy mountain stream fishing even more.
This item is filled with such feelings.