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  5. Golden Mean

Golden Mean OS Scissors 

Golden Mean OS Scissors 

Golden Mean OS Scissors 

Golden Mean OS Scissors 

Golden Mean OS Scissors 

Golden Mean OS Scissors 
  • Golden Mean OS Scissors 

  • Golden Mean OS Scissors 

  • Golden Mean OS Scissors 

  • Golden Mean OS Scissors 

Color Black
Size .
Brand Golden Mean
Product Name Golden Mean OS Scissors 
Control Number 4931657015733
Suggested Retail Price ¥800
BACKLASH Price ¥680
Reward points 13P

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Golden Mean
OS Scissors 
■Total length: 187mm 
■Weight: 83g 
■Material: Stainless steel
"OS Scissors" are scissors for soft bodies that can firmly grasp slimy targets such as octopus (OCTOPUS) and squid (SQUID). The specially shaped cutting edge allows you to not only ``grasp'' the target, but also ``tighten'' it at the same time, making it easy to rework, increasing efficiency and contributing to higher fishing results.