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Golden Mean GM Slide Spear 450

Golden Mean GM Slide Spear 450

Golden Mean GM Slide Spear 450

Golden Mean GM Slide Spear 450

Golden Mean GM Slide Spear 450
  • Golden Mean GM Slide Spear 450

  • Golden Mean GM Slide Spear 450

  • Golden Mean GM Slide Spear 450

Color BLUE
Size 450
Brand Golden Mean
Product Name Golden Mean GM Slide Spear 450
Control Number 4931657014880
Suggested Retail Price ¥9,200
BACKLASH Price ¥7,820
Reward points 156P

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Golden Mean
GM Slide Spear 450
■Standard overall length: 4.50m
■Number of joints: 9 pieces
■ Closing dimension: 62.0cm 
■Standard weight: 483g
■Tip diameter: 13.3mm 
■ Original diameter: 30.5mm 
■Materials used: 80% carbon fiber
■Resin used: Epoxy resin
Golden Mean "Slide Spear" is a compact landing shaft with excellent cost performance while paying particular attention to "quality", "strength" and "design".
Three size variations: "350", "450", and "550" to accommodate various game fields. In addition, each size is available in two colors: blue and red.