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Golden Mean Shaft 500

Golden Mean Shaft 500

Golden Mean Shaft 500

Golden Mean Shaft 500
  • Golden Mean Shaft 500

  • Golden Mean Shaft 500

Brand Golden Mean
Product Name Golden Mean Shaft 500
Control Number 4931657012251
Suggested Retail Price ¥18,200
BACKLASH Price ¥15,470
Reward points 309P

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Golden Mean
Shaft 500
■Standard total length: 5.09m 
■Number of joints: 10 
■Closing dimensions: 65.0cm 
■Standard weight: 610g
■Tip diameter: 12.2mm 
■Original diameter: 32.1mm 
■Carbon content: 96% 
■Resin used: Epoxy resin
To ensure that the hooked prey lands. Stay and carabiner standard equipment. The Golden Mean "GM Shaft" is a landing shaft with improved mobility and operability to reduce stress during fishing and ensure a reliable and smooth landing. At the bottom of the shaft body, we use a grip that has an uneven shape on the carbon shaft itself. Improved hold and grip. The shaft end (butt plug) uses an original shaft end with an air hole. Not only does it enable quick loading and storage, but it also serves as a "drainer". In addition, the wide variety of sizes makes it suitable for various games and fields.