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ValkeIN KUGA Dimension L size SS

ValkeIN KUGA Dimension L size SS

ValkeIN KUGA Dimension L size SS

ValkeIN KUGA Dimension L size SS
  • ValkeIN KUGA Dimension L size SS

  • ValkeIN KUGA Dimension L size SS

Color 01 Jeans
02 Cafe Sha Red
03 Sparkling Watermelon
04 Mikkabi Mandarin
Size 60mm
Brand ValkeIN
Product Name ValkeIN KUGA Dimension L size SS
Control Number 4582671295344
Suggested Retail Price ¥1,800
BACKLASH Price ¥1,620
Reward points 32P

SIZE×COLOR(Size / Color)

01 Jeans
02 Cafe Sha Red
03 Sparkling Watermelon
04 Mikkabi Mandarin

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KUGA Dimension L size SS
■Total Length: 60mm
■Weight: 3.5g
■Type: Slow Thinking
■Hook: Gyro Hook #5
■Ring: #0
The SS (slow sinking) model counts down after landing, allowing you to control the range at will! !
Natural wide wobbling roll action that attracts trout with exquisite strokes even during deep range capture and dead throw operation enables a unique and different approach! !