1. TOP
  2. rob lure
  3. LURES
  4. Trout
  5. AreaTrout
  6. Hard Baits
  7. Minnow
  1. TOP
  2. rob lure
  3. Brand
  4. R
  5. rob lure

rob lure Pierre G

rob lure	Pierre G

rob lure	Pierre G

rob lure	Pierre G

rob lure	Pierre G
  • rob lure	Pierre G

  • rob lure	Pierre G

  • rob lure	Pierre G

Color 01
Size .
Brand rob lure
Product Name rob lure Pierre G
Control Number 4580491429871
Suggested Retail Price ¥700
BACKLASH Price ¥630
Reward points 12P

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Rob Lure
Pierre Trout Gum
◆Type: G (Trout Gum)
★Good distance! Even if you roll it up, it will swim!
Catch the hearts of beginners who want to roll!