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Studio Composite RC-SS 50mmR25L Shimano Backlash Custom Model

Studio Composite RC-SS 50mmR25L Shimano Backlash Custom Model

Studio Composite RC-SS 50mmR25L Shimano Backlash Custom Model

Studio Composite RC-SS 50mmR25L Shimano Backlash Custom Model
  • Studio Composite RC-SS 50mmR25L Shimano Backlash Custom Model

  • Studio Composite RC-SS 50mmR25L Shimano Backlash Custom Model

Size 50R25L
Brand Studio Composite
Product Name Studio Composite RC-SS 50mmR25L Shimano Backlash Custom Model
Control Number 4580467331467
BACKLASH Price ¥19,000
Reward points 380P

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Studio Composite
RC-SS 50mmR25L for Shimano

■Plate size: 50mm
■Knob size: R25L
■For Shimano (※Cannot be installed on the right side of the 23 Vanquish)

The first spinning Stacon handle in a Backlash bespoke model.
In testing, we tried various plate lengths and thicknesses to create a model that can handle big fish in the fields that have become finesse-oriented in recent years.
In fact, we caught fish in the 50cm class using finesse fishing with i-shaped lures (i-Waver) and Flick Shake Jig Head Wacky, and finally settled on this 50mmR25L.
The reeling feel is also very good, so please use it for reeling shads, minnows, and small crankbaits.
For the spinning model, we have set a glossy knob.