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Studio Composite RC-SC EX
Matte Carbon Knob 92mmR25L
Backlash Bespoke Model

Studio Composite RC-SC EX  Matte Carbon Knob 92mmR25L  Backlash Bespoke Model

Studio Composite RC-SC EX  Matte Carbon Knob 92mmR25L  Backlash Bespoke Model

Studio Composite RC-SC EX  Matte Carbon Knob 92mmR25L  Backlash Bespoke Model

Studio Composite RC-SC EX  Matte Carbon Knob 92mmR25L  Backlash Bespoke Model

Studio Composite RC-SC EX  Matte Carbon Knob 92mmR25L  Backlash Bespoke Model

Studio Composite RC-SC EX  Matte Carbon Knob 92mmR25L  Backlash Bespoke Model
  • Studio Composite RC-SC EX  Matte Carbon Knob 92mmR25L  Backlash Bespoke Model

  • Studio Composite RC-SC EX  Matte Carbon Knob 92mmR25L  Backlash Bespoke Model

  • Studio Composite RC-SC EX  Matte Carbon Knob 92mmR25L  Backlash Bespoke Model

  • Studio Composite RC-SC EX  Matte Carbon Knob 92mmR25L  Backlash Bespoke Model

  • Studio Composite RC-SC EX  Matte Carbon Knob 92mmR25L  Backlash Bespoke Model

Brand Studio Composite
Product Name Studio Composite RC-SC EX
Matte Carbon Knob 92mmR25L
Backlash Bespoke Model
Control Number 4580467331450
BACKLASH Price ¥20,000
Reward points 400P

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Studio Composite

RC-SC EX carbon knob 88mm R25L backlash bespoke model
Plate size: 92mm< ■Knob size: R25L
■Daiwa/Some Abu/Shimano common use (It may not be possible to install on some models.Ryoga etc. require a separate C bolt.)

The 92mm plate, which is between the popular 96mm and 88mm plates, is a versatile setting.
If you are looking for one of the starcon handlebars, this model is recommended. > It is a special order from our store that is not in the regular lineup, so you can use it comfortably from the bottom to the scroll.