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  4. Salt Weter Rods
  5. Rockfish rods

DREEM UP The Ramble Rocker 96B

DREEM UP The Ramble Rocker 96B

DREEM UP The Ramble Rocker 96B

DREEM UP The Ramble Rocker 96B

DREEM UP The Ramble Rocker 96B
  • DREEM UP The Ramble Rocker 96B

  • DREEM UP The Ramble Rocker 96B

  • DREEM UP The Ramble Rocker 96B

Brand DreemUp
Product Name DREEM UP The Ramble Rocker 96B
Control Number 4580448897777
Suggested Retail Price ¥60,000
BACKLASH Price ¥54,000
Reward points 1080P

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The Ramble Rocker 96B
■Size: 9.6ft
■Weight : 320g
■Number of joints: 2
■Lure: ~100g
■Line: PE2~5
Grouper lure fishing is booming in recent years.
Because you are aiming near the bottom on rough seas, there are cases where even medium-sized fish cannot be caught with a light tackle.
There may also be surprise attacks from large fish such as longtooth grouper.
The lift power that gives the angler a sense of security even in those difficult situations, and the bait tackle that allows the use of thick threads.
In addition, the long length allows for free handling even on overhanging shores.
You are in control.