Color |
#201G オレンジ杉×金テープ
#202G ピンク杉×金テープ
#203G オリーブアジ×金テープ
# 204G Yellow CH x Gold Tape
#205P パープル×パープルテープ
#206R パープル×赤テープ
#207R ブラウン×赤テープ
#208R オレンジ杉×赤テープ
#209R ピンク杉×赤テープ
#210RG GR杉×赤・金テープ
# 211GR Olive x Green Tape
#212S コノシロ×銀テープ
#213S 茶アジ×銀テープ |
Product Name |
GEECRACK SEACOWBOY / Sea cowboy NEW color [tip plan specification] + 30g |
Control Number |
4580109186899 |
strong> span>
SEACOWBOY / Sea Cowboy NEW color
Tip plan specification + 30g
strong> span>
◆ < / span> Size: No. 3.5
◆ span> Weight: Body 18g + 30g with lead head sinker
◆ span> With snap
★ span> A lead head sinker (iron mask) for a conventional sea cowboy Covered tip egging compatible model.
● span> With a center keel that promotes quick and stable falls
● < / span> Weight balance that keeps a quick balance up, down, left and right
* span> You can use it as a normal casting egg by removing the sinker.
* Only # 201, # 202, # 204, # 207, # 208, # 209, # 210 span> Rattle-in model span> . span>