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  5. rob lure

rob lure Babecon 0.6g

rob lure Babecon 0.6g

rob lure Babecon 0.6g

rob lure Babecon 0.6g
  • rob lure Babecon 0.6g

  • rob lure Babecon 0.6g

Color H1
Size .
Brand rob lure
Product Name rob lure Babecon 0.6g
Control Number 4573581498086
Suggested Retail Price ¥700
BACKLASH Price ¥585
Reward points 11P

SIZE×COLOR(Size / Color)


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Rob Lure
Babecon1091 color
◆Self weight: 1.1g

★Supervised by Shimokin Part 3: Plastic Babel is here!
The hook fits securely into the hook slit.
It is sure to be useful for bottom falls and "rolling"! We achieved a slow fall!