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Fish Arrow x Libre Fire Aurora Union 52-58mm PT35 Knob

Fish Arrow x Libre Fire Aurora Union 52-58mm PT35 Knob

Fish Arrow x Libre Fire Aurora Union 52-58mm PT35 Knob

Fish Arrow x Libre Fire Aurora Union 52-58mm PT35 Knob

Fish Arrow x Libre Fire Aurora Union 52-58mm PT35 Knob
  • Fish Arrow x Libre Fire Aurora Union 52-58mm PT35 Knob

  • Fish Arrow x Libre Fire Aurora Union 52-58mm PT35 Knob

  • Fish Arrow x Libre Fire Aurora Union 52-58mm PT35 Knob

Size .
Brand Fish Arrow
Product Name Fish Arrow x Libre Fire Aurora Union 52-58mm PT35 Knob
Control Number 4573251347478
BACKLASH Price ¥18,500
Reward points 370P

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Fish Arrow×Libre
Fire Aurora Union 52-58mm PT35 Knob
◆ Type: Shimano S2/Daiwa
★The handle can be used with spinning reels compatible with spinning 2500 and 3000 classes.
The effect of the balancer weight provides a sense of stability comparable to that of a double handle. Equipped with a new standard pentagonal knob "PT35" with an exquisite size that can be comfortably wrapped in the hand.