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  4. Area trout special feature
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  2. Rodio Craft
  4. Ester Line
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Rodiocraft RC Meister Esther

Rodiocraft RC Meister Esther
  • Rodiocraft RC Meister Esther

Color 0.25 / 1.3lb
0.3 / 1.4lb
0.35 / 1.9lb
0.4 / 2.1lb
Size 100 yards
Brand Rodio Craft
Product Name Rodiocraft RC Meister Esther
Control Number 4573151223117
BACKLASH Price ¥800
Reward points 16P

size×color(Size / Color)

  100 yards
0.25 / 1.3lb
0.3 / 1.4lb
0.35 / 1.9lb
0.4 / 2.1lb

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Rodio Craft
RC Meister Ester (100 yards)
■ Color: Natural
■ Specs : No. 0.3 (1.4lb) 0.090mm / No. 0.35 (1.9lb) No. 0.098mm / No. 0.4 (No. 2.1) No. 0.104

A revolutionary ester line that gave birth to the new concept number "0.35"!
Succeeded in expanding the ester line, which originally tended to specialize in delicate directions such as micro games, to a level that can be used as a base for area games in general!
We can handle everything from under 1g micro spoons to full size area dedicated crank baits.
Furthermore, since the "tension strength" peculiar to ester is reduced, it is the best line for beginners of ester.