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Yamaga Blanks Kalista 76ML/TJ Technical Jerk

Yamaga Blanks Kalista 76ML/TJ Technical Jerk

Yamaga Blanks Kalista 76ML/TJ Technical Jerk

Yamaga Blanks Kalista 76ML/TJ Technical Jerk
  • Yamaga Blanks Kalista 76ML/TJ Technical Jerk

  • Yamaga Blanks Kalista 76ML/TJ Technical Jerk

Brand YAMAGA Blanks
Product Name Yamaga Blanks Kalista 76ML/TJ Technical Jerk
Control Number 4571584101170
Suggested Retail Price ¥52,000
BACKLASH Price ¥46,800
Reward points 936P

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Yamaga Blanks
Callista 76ML/TJ Technical Jerk
◆Total length: 2293mm
◆Falling dimension: 1175mm
◆Weight: 87g
◆Number of joints: 2
★Short length technical designed not only to pursue the fun of shark fishing, but also to further improve the precision of the lure technique of experienced anglers. model.
The short and flexible blank allows you to freely manipulate slow and fast precise invitations that are the last move to close the distance between the squid and the egi.
It is good at attracting squid lurking around structures and in cages, and close-range battles such as sight games, but of course its high castability also allows for long-distance casting.
This rod has been created to bring a great advantage to anglers who want to master the precision of egi action from short distances to long distances.