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Zact Craft Senor Tornado

Zact Craft Senor Tornado

Zact Craft Senor Tornado

Zact Craft Senor Tornado

Zact Craft Senor Tornado
  • Zact Craft Senor Tornado

  • Zact Craft Senor Tornado

  • Zact Craft Senor Tornado

Color 01 Red
02 Black
03 White
04 Yellow
05 Orange
06 Light Green
07 Pink
09 Brown
12 Gold
13 Silver
14 Clear Red
18 Yamabuki
30 Crab miso
31 Caramel
32 Mocha
34 Strawberry Milk
Size 1.7g
Brand AnglersDreamBite
Product Name Zact Craft Senor Tornado
Control Number 4571393640013
Suggested Retail Price ¥540
BACKLASH Price ¥486
Reward points 9P

size×color(Size / Color)

01 Red
02 Black
03 White
04 Yellow
05 Orange
06 Light Green
07 Pink
09 Brown
12 Gold
13 Silver
14 Clear Red
18 Yamabuki
30 Crab miso
31 Caramel
32 Mocha
34 Strawberry Milk

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ZactCraft/Zact Craft
Se?or Tornado
◆Length: 100mm
◆Weight: 1.7g
★Se?or Tornado is an essential item for anyone to easily catch rainbow trout at managed fishing spots.
It rotates around the swivel, and its wave motion attracts fish and feeds them with their colors, making it extremely hard to scratch, so even children and beginners can expect to catch fish.
When you catch a fish, the wire will stretch, so use your fingers or a device to return it to a shape that stimulates the fish, then resume fishing.