Color |
#RB03. Katakuchi
#RB05. Gimpika UV
#RB06.UV lemon candy
#RB07. Glow Sand
#RB08.Full chart |
Product Name |
RISE JAPAN Rise Jig Blade 60g |
Control Number |
4570049124174 |
Rise Japan
Rise Jig Blade
◆Size: 60g
Use for free winding Of course, due to the effect of the blade on its back, it achieves a horizontal fall when it falls.
Compared to metal jigs of the same weight, the fall speed is overwhelmingly suppressed, resulting in more bite opportunities.
The main use is offshore, but the light weight model can also be used from shore.
The eye on the abdomen is intentionally left blank so that you can customize it in various ways depending on your situation and taste.
Brand Director Masuo Ueda seems to be amazed every day by the untapped potential of the Rise Jig Blade.