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  5. Mackerel, Rockfish&Light Salt Game Rods

Crazy Ocean Ocean Claw S63ML/T

Crazy Ocean Ocean Claw S63ML/T

Crazy Ocean Ocean Claw S63ML/T

Crazy Ocean Ocean Claw S63ML/T

Crazy Ocean Ocean Claw S63ML/T
  • Crazy Ocean Ocean Claw S63ML/T

  • Crazy Ocean Ocean Claw S63ML/T

  • Crazy Ocean Ocean Claw S63ML/T

Brand Crazy Ocean
Product Name Crazy Ocean Ocean Claw S63ML/T
Control Number 4560445315597
Suggested Retail Price ¥16,800
BACKLASH Price ¥15,100
Reward points 302P
We will charge you separately for the PVC tube for the rod.:

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Crazy Ocean
Ocean Claw S63ML/T
◆Full Length: 190cm
◆Closed Dimensions: 98cm
◆Self weight: 82g
◆Number of joints: 2
◆Max line: PE0.8
◆Max weight: No. 20
★Characterized by good hand sensitivity and bite Rod with tubular tip.
Because the tip of the tubular tip bends as a whole, it is suitable for long stays when the activity is low.
Invitation → Fall → Recommended for fishing patterns in the stay style.
It is a rod for the purpose of carefully catching each caught fish.