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Gamakatsu 68848 Kamaji Gala NSB

Gamakatsu 68848 Kamaji Gala NSB

Gamakatsu 68848 Kamaji Gala NSB

Gamakatsu 68848 Kamaji Gala NSB

Gamakatsu 68848 Kamaji Gala NSB
  • Gamakatsu 68848 Kamaji Gala NSB

  • Gamakatsu 68848 Kamaji Gala NSB

  • Gamakatsu 68848 Kamaji Gala NSB

Color .
Size 28
Brand Gamakatsu
Product Name Gamakatsu 68848 Kamaji Gala NSB
Control Number 4549018668551
Suggested Retail Price ¥450
BACKLASH Price ¥360
Reward points 7P

SIZE×COLOR(Size / Color)

  28 30

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68848 Kamaji Gala NSB 
■Quantity: 2
Aiming for over 20kg, exclusive for catching Kamaji Gala Introducing the hook.
A strong design aimed at Kamajigaara weighing over 20kg.
A round shaft design that prevents cutting during extreme fights, and an exquisite hook angle design that catches the mouth and prevents line breaks.
A special hook with a tube eye with an inner diameter that is compatible with extra-thick Harris will make the dreams of dreamers who continue to confront record-class gigantic fish come true.