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Gamakatsu With Ken Maru Seigo The Box White

Gamakatsu With Ken Maru Seigo The Box White

Gamakatsu With Ken Maru Seigo The Box White
  • Gamakatsu With Ken Maru Seigo The Box White

Color No.13
Size 66-814
Brand Gamakatsu
Product Name Gamakatsu With Ken Maru Seigo The Box White
Control Number 4549018360226
Suggested Retail Price ¥1,000
BACKLASH Price ¥800
Reward points 16P

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With Ken Maru Seigo The Box White
■Quantity (number): 90 (13), 85  (14/15), 75 (16/17), 60(18)
★Even if you make a full cast with a big bait aimed at blue isomits or flounders, you don't have to worry about it because it comes with a "ken".
Prevents bait from falling.
It is also often used for ``Burakuri'' for aburame and ``Tenya-gekake'' for red sea bream.