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alpha tackle Deck stick dedicated handle NLB-16 LONG

alpha tackle Deck stick dedicated handle NLB-16 LONG

alpha tackle Deck stick dedicated handle NLB-16 LONG
  • alpha tackle Deck stick dedicated handle NLB-16 LONG

Brand tail walk
Product Name alpha tackle Deck stick dedicated handle NLB-16 LONG
Control Number 4516508502695
Suggested Retail Price ¥18,000
BACKLASH Price ¥14,364
Reward points 287P

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Alpha tackle
Handle for deck stick NLB-16 LONG
◆Full length: 51.5cm
◆Weight: 230g
★When NLB-16 long is installed, the total length of each rod is 5cm longer.
The NLB-16S/NLB16 long comes standard with a chloroprene handle cover that can be used with the reel attached.