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Bassday Beat Eat 55S 1091 color

Bassday Beat Eat 55S 1091 color

Bassday Beat Eat 55S 1091 color

Bassday Beat Eat 55S 1091 color

Bassday Beat Eat 55S 1091 color
  • Bassday Beat Eat 55S 1091 color

  • Bassday Beat Eat 55S 1091 color

  • Bassday Beat Eat 55S 1091 color

Color FCY-01
Size 55mm
Brand Bassday
Product Name Bassday Beat Eat 55S 1091 color
Control Number 4513964818742
Suggested Retail Price ¥1,300
BACKLASH Price ¥1,170
Reward points 23P

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Beat Eat 55S
1091 color
■Size : 55mm
■Weight: 2.6g
■Hook: #12 Ring: #1
■Action: Ultra tight trolling
★Developed for capturing rockfish just below the water surface. Minnow.
Reverse slant & reverse taper high lift lip keeps 10-30cm range under the water surface immediately after starting retrieve.
The solid structure at the bottom of the body optimizes specific gravity and diffuses light to attract fish.
The basic operation is just winding and occasionally twitching.