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SMITH Offshore Stick  HSJ-SSL64/L

SMITH Offshore Stick  HSJ-SSL64/L

SMITH Offshore Stick  HSJ-SSL64/L

SMITH Offshore Stick  HSJ-SSL64/L
  • SMITH Offshore Stick  HSJ-SSL64/L

  • SMITH Offshore Stick  HSJ-SSL64/L

Product Name SMITH Offshore Stick  HSJ-SSL64/L
Control Number 4511474304151
BACKLASH Price ¥40,000
Reward points 800P
We will charge you separately for the PVC tube for the rod.:

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◆length:6'4" ◆weight:136g ◆piwer:SuperLight ◆lure:~100gg ◆line: ~1.0PE ◆grip length:450mm ◆pack length:194cm

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