Produced by Hiroyuki Motoyama, a new genre lure that drives river fish crazy
bottom knock swimmer light
A new genre of trout lure that uses the mouth even for trout that have weakened their response to lateral invitations, Bottom Knock Swimmer II. The Bottom Nox Swimmer Light is a lightweight model based on the Bottom Nox Swimmer II.
Set the sinking speed to slow while keeping the swing width as it is. It is especially effective during dry periods and high water temperatures.
Of course, just like the Bottom Knock Swimmer II, it allows you to capture in a variety of ways.
One of the effective means for trout that has become unresponsive to lateral invitations is the bottom fishing style. The bottom knock swimmer light concentrates the built-in weight at the tip to keep the buoyancy in the tail direction.
If the situation matches, the fish will react like crazy.
By printing on the belly part, it can be distinguished from the bottom knock swimmer II.
【how to use】
Even in a flowing water area, it uses high buoyancy to keep the bottom posture with the tail facing upward. The bottom knock swing with bottom tapping makes it look like a small fish pecking at the bait on the bottom.
Horizontal swimming while slowly swinging the tail to the left and right. In twitching using line slack, it turns to the left and right, and in some cases, the swing action is produced in the vertical direction, and the neutral trout predation switch is turned on.
Bottom Knock Swimmer II is a "rapid stream", "a place with deep water", and "emphasis on rework". On the other hand, the bottom knock swimmer light is good at "dry water", "low water level", "loose flow / still water", and "slow and attractive". By using it properly according to the situation, you can demonstrate the original power of the bottom knock swimmer.
●WEIGHT 2.2g
● LENGTH 30mm
●HOOK treble hook #16